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您所在的位置首页 > 产品 > 带式干燥机 > 厂家生产DWT系列带式干燥机
  • 厂家生产DWT系列带式干燥机举报卖家
  • 产品价格: 面议
  • 库存总量:
  • 所在地区: 江苏 无锡市
  • 浏览次数: 69 次
  • 发布日期: 2018-04-25 16:11
  • 询价
  • 公司名称:江阴市名正机械有限公司
  • 联 系 人:曹兴亚(先生) 
  • 联系手机:
  • 联系固话:
  • 联系地址:江苏省江阴市临港新城芙蓉大道旁



■  厂家生产DWT系列带式干燥机特点 FeAtUres 
◎ 在实际使用过程中我们认识到以一种设计方式解决多种不 同性质物料的干燥是不合理的,因此,DWt系列设备在定型 产品的基础上同时强调其专用性,基本类型有脱水蔬菜专 机、米饭专机、中药饮片专机、颜料染料专机、洗棉及水 洗毛专机、炒货食品专机、塑料颗粒干燥与热处理专机、 还有磁粉、氧化铁黄、轻质碳酸钙、白碳黑干燥专机等 等。客户在设备选型时应根据物料特性与我公司设计人员 协商决定根据物料干燥的特殊要求确定风量、温度、相对 湿度、运转速度等技术参数以保证设备的适用性、可靠性 达到最佳的运行性能。 
■  厂家生产DWT系列带式干燥机应用 ApplicAtion 
◎ DWt系列带式干燥机是成批生产用的连续式干燥设备,用于 透气性较好的片状、条状、颗粒状物料的干燥,对于脱水蔬菜、 中药饮片等含水率高、而物料温度不允许高的物料尤为合适;该 系列干燥机具有干燥速度快、蒸发强度高、产品质量好的优点, 对脱水滤饼类的膏状物料,需经造粒制成棒状后亦可干燥。 
◎ this machine is flowing and continuous type drying equipment firstly made by our company. the machine is used for drying the piece, tape and particle state materials with good ventilation. the machine is suitable for the materials, such as de-watering vegetable, herbal medicine of traditional Chinese medicine and others, for which the water content rate is high and the high temperature is not allowed. the machine owns the advantages, that its drying speed is fast, the evaporation strength is high and the product quality is good. the de-watering filtering cake state paste material, after the particle making or bar making, can be dried also. 
■  厂家生产DWT系列带式干燥机原理 principle 
◎ 原理如图所示,料斗中的物料由加料器(6)均匀的铺在不锈钢丝 网(4)上,由传动电机带动网带在干燥箱内匀速移动。干燥段由 若干单元组成,热风在两个(或几个)单元内横向循环,新鲜空气 由风机(1)进入,通过换热器(3)加热,热空气穿过物料层与物料 热交换,进入下腔,然后流向下一单元,降温后的热空气再经换 热器(3)进行二次加热,热空气穿透网带与物料再次热交换,湿 热空气由排湿风机(2)(5)排出,完成干燥,每台干燥机单元数可 根据物料的特性、工艺要求选取。
◎ the materials are uniformly put on the mesh-belt by the material charger. the mesh- belt uses generally 12 - 60 mesh stainless steel wire net and it is drawn and moved inside the dryer by a transmission device. the dryer is composed of several units. For each unit, the hot air is circulated separately. In the first unit,air out from circutation air blower(5) pass through beside into low unit,after air is up and heated by steam heater(4), be shared by seperater(3), the air is spraied through mesh-belt in to top of machine.the drying process is hot air passes through the mesh-belt covered with a special moisture from the top to the bottom or from the bottom to the top,and this will complete the heat and mass transfer process.the air pipe of the top is conected with fan, one part of air is circulated, some exhausted gas is discharged with a special moisture eilmination blower,and other waste gas is controlled through an adjustment valve.the top and low circulation units can be freely equipped according to the users’ demand, the unit nomber can be selected according to the demand. 
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