※集制粒、制丸、包衣多种功能于一体。 ※粉体物料制粒。 ※粉体物料包衣。 ※粉体物料制丸。 ※中药喷雾制粒及包衣。 ※制备 10-30 目大颗粒冲剂。 ※粉体、颗粒、丸的薄膜、肠溶、缓控释包衣。 ※掩味、防潮、防氧化、防水、防热、着色、隔离包衣。 ※粉状、粒状、团块状物料干燥。
※Multi-function such as granulating, pelleting, coating in one machine. ※Powder material granulating. ※Powder material coating. ※Powder material pelleting. ※Chinese medicine spray drying, granulating and coating. ※Make 10-30 meshes big granule. ※Film coating of Powder, granules and pellets, enteric release, slow and control release coating. ※Taste masking, odor, moistureproof, antioxidation, prevent water, heat insulation, coloration and separation coating ★※Powder, granule, agglomerate material drying. |
※DLP 多功能制粒包衣实验机是集喷雾干燥 -- 制粒 -- 离心制丸 -- 流化包衣干燥于一体的多功能设备。该机兼容多种工艺操作。特别适用于医药、食品、化工等行业多品种、多剂型制粒、制丸及包衣。 ※DLP Granulator/Coater/Pelleter is multi-function equipment integrated spray drying-granulating-centrifugal spray coating-fluid coating-drying in one body. The machine combined various process operations. Particularly it is suitable for granulating, pelleting and coating of various varieties in pharmaceutical industry, foodstuff industry and chemical industry, |
所有参数仅作参考 , 视物料情况 , 本公司拥有变更权利 , 并不另行通知 .
*All datas are used for reference only. According to the condition of material, our factory has the right change but not notice, pardon! |