中诚药机科研力量雄厚、设备精良、测试仪器先进。 “质量至上,诚信为本”是中诚药机的宗旨,我们将立足本国,走向世界、面向未来,以一流的产品、一流的信誉为广大用户提供最满意的服务。不断赶超国外先进制药机械技术是中诚药机技术领先的可靠保证。不断创新,持续发展是中诚药机永远的追求。建立全国最大的制药机械、实验室设备生产基地是我们追求的目标。
Zhongcheng Pharmaceutical Machinery has produced the manufacturing system medicine machine, laboratory equipments for over 40 years. Our factory has been granted international trade certificate ISO900l:2000. All products fully comply with GMP standard.
Zhongcheng Pharmaceutical Machinery is the Our country of excellent make a medicine machine business enterprise. The quality is first, trustworthiness is originally"BE truly the aim of medicine machine. We produce more than 50 varieties of products ,including single punch tablet press,multiple die tablet press,pulverize ,and capsule stowing machine,capsule counting,filling bottle machine,liquid paste bottle washing machine and many more. If you would like to know more about our equipment with detail information please login on to our website.
详细地址: 湖南长沙市雨花区栗塘村东塘元黎托工业园
乘车路线: 长沙火车站 121 体育新城
汽车南站 147 石坝路口,对面转乘 160 体育新城